Why is the Sky Orange?

Photo by Murray Blehart

😳😅Orange skies in NY!

According to Oscar Wilde:
“To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect.”

🌟As a creative entrepreneur, I accept the fact that there will be surprises along the way and/or things that cannot be controlled.
Something that is normal for the journey of the entrepreneur.

➡️Yesterday morning, I was just outside downtown New York City, on location at the @Brand Experience Lab, filming for my new TV show, and the skies went from a hazy grey to a dark orange —over the course of an hour.

👀From inside the building, it seemed like a scene right out of a movie, but the production crew (led by
Bobby Nastasi) nor our host/interviewee (David Polinchock) didn’t skip a beat.

➡️We had a tight schedule and a lot to film and stayed positive as the air quality continued to deteriorate and the skies became darker. We wanted to make sure we got all the scenes in as we are filming about the intersection of fashion, culture and emerging technologies and are passionate about getting the education out there! 😄

💙Thankfully, the skies eventually returned to a hazy grey with a little more visibility for the commute home. The haze and not so pleasant smell was a bi-product of the Canadian forest fires.

🌟Days like yesterday show anything can and might happen and to have a positive and forward thinking mindset can help support you through any unusual circumstance. ✨

Below Photos credit:
Sage Littlejohn


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